Jump Media
Full-Service Creative Marketing Agency
Bespoke Page Builder for Total Control Pro.
Unlocking Smarter Factories.
- Build a bespoke website with custom client templates.
- Use Jump Media’s elegant designs.
- Allow Total Control Pro more flexibility to create robust yet fluid web pages.
- Use the existing platform built on WordPress.
- Apply custom tools and bespoke development to enable flexibility.
- Use Avada page builder to develop blocks that hold custom content.
- Create a hybrid between Jump’s bespoke design and a traditional page builder through customisable blocks.
- Enable Total Control Pro to build an unlimited amount of custom pages with drag and drop content population.
- Ensure the WordPress ecosystem and all plugins are updated regularly.
- Execute daily backups with a retention of 90 days.
- Ensure the site is tested, working and secure.
- Create custom blocks so that the client has enough flexibility to build any webpage that they desire.
- Yet, restrict the client to a certain flow of input blocks to a page to prevent the client from invalidating the user experience.
- Avada Page Builder
- WordPress
- Our custom blocks on WordPress are >90% penetration rating.
- 10,000 – 100,00 unique visists per month.
- Total Control Pro and Jump are very satisfied with the new custom block designs and flexibility.
- Low maintenance development.